reTREAT yourself – Somatic Yin Special
Sunday 1x a month, 15:30-17:30 Uhr with Meike
Just let yourself fall. Drift. Float. Turn your gaze inward. In this Somatic Yin Special you can simply take care of yourself for two hours. Meike combines classic restorative yin poses with somatic movement to create a new, completely individual yin experience in this intensive session.
Perfect to give yourself a little time out with yourself and shift your focus from outside to inside.
Costs: 30€ (USC/ Wellpass +20€)

Meike Petermann
Meike is a spaceholder for Embodied Yoga & Somatics, psychologist & systemic coach.
Her mission is to create magical spaces where you can connect with yourself, your body and others. Her work incorporates the mindset that the head aka psyche, the body with all its systems and the heart are an inseparable interwoven unit.
Psychology merges with mindfulness, movement, embodiment and intuition.