Sarah v. D.
At the beginning of her yoga practice, Sarah thought for a long time that she might “not be flexible enough for yoga” – as a teacher, she wants to pass on to others her experience that this is not the point at all. Her classes are therefore not about getting your hands down to your feet or into acrobatic asanas, but about realizing that yoga can give you an incredible amount and also bring you a lot of joy. Yoga helps Sarah personally to calm and focus her “monkey mind”. She did her yoga training with Dr. Patrick Broome & his team and is currently part of the PBY mentor program with Verena Simmann. She is also doing an Embodied Yin advanced training with Satu Tuomela.
my classes at HAIRU
Somatic Yin
Tues 7:45pm – 9:00pm
Somatic Yin Yoga is a very mindful yoga practice, which allows you to come to a deep rest incorporating somatic movement – a movement that is consciously made with the intention of focusing on the inner experience and not on the outer appearance or the result of the movement. During this gentle practice we stimulate our fascia as we stretch them passively and thereby relax the deep tissue. The meridian lines (energy channels in the body) are also addressed and thus vitalised and purified.